Monday 20 February 2017

You are a typical Indian if you have ......

Indian people have distinct and specific body type compared to other countries. There are certain and excellent features which are exclusive for Indians. Indians are the chosen one for the strange genetics characteristics.

Bizarre Body odor
Have anybody felt or been said that “You smell like a dead fish or like a chicken curry?
In a bus or in a railway station, body odor wonders the person with different odors. Usually, people tend to think “when did he/she take bath last time?” Deodorants and perfume are available still, it’s not adequate enough to control body odor in India. Its food habits and climate that makes Indian to smell different in different places.

Hair in Face, leg, hand, chest
Whether it’s genetically or environmental factors, Indian have a lot of hair here and there. Sudden party plans to go to swimming pool or wearing short dress or skirt is just too much tension.
These days’, young generations are usually shy to take off his shirt because of chest hair. Similarly, girls feel prettier when her eyebrows are threaded. Threading, waxing is a regular monthly task. Surprisingly there will be less hair on the head but proper hair growth everywhere else. Buttoned or Unbuttoned, body hair finds ways to squeeze out through the clothes. It’s an embarrassing and awkward moment. Smooth and soft skin last only for a week after a shaving or waxing.

Short height
The average Indians are short compared to the world population. Definitely, there is an increase in average height but not to a great extent. The average height of a man is 5.5ft while the female is 5ft.  There are European countries where the average height is 6ft for both man and woman. 

Varied figure
As soon as someone enters into India, one can see slim, fat, tall and short people around themselves. A 25-year woman after marriage will look like 35 years old. Indians have a tendency to look older than younger. A few will struggle to walk because they are overweight while there will be skinny people as well. Average waist size for men after 30 years old is 34inches and above while for women is 32 inches and above. Indians are very curious to keep an eye on other person activities. 
Size matters
India has billion population but doesn't know whom should the credit be given. As per BBC reports, India is one of the countries who have a tiny phallus. The phallus is worshiped in India where it's deeply symbolic. With no ifs and buts, it’s small but very productive and effective in India.

You must have noticed that Indian have big stomach paunch. Indian figure could be called as an apple or pear shaped body. Higher waist circumferences are common to see in India.  When there is an increase in body weight, the world population grows evenly, while stomach bulges out only for Indians.  Even policeman have big bellies. Many show off their fat belly as their sign of prosperity.

Indian complaints that probably they have the less favorable genetics compared to all other races in the world. No height, No Good skin, No great physic. Confront the genetics truth and recognize your strengths. Sustain your identity and face the world with whatever you have. Just accept the fact that “Relax, Nothing is in Control”

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