Friday, 3 February 2017

Falcon - Bird of Prey needs "Passport" to fly

If you boarding in any Middle East flight, don’t be scared to see Falcons traveling with you.  These birds are allowed to travel subject to security check same as you have.  

Falcon- Status Symbol
Falcon is a symbol of pride, a significant status symbol in the Middle East. Falcons have their own passport to travel in a plane. it’s very common in the Middle East to find someone sitting with a falcon. Hunting with falcon is a common pastime in UAE. The training period ranges for six weeks and costs depend on the breed. Some falcons are good at speed while others are known for hunting.
Falcon Passport
Falcon Passports are valid for 3 years. An identification Ring is tied in one of the Falcon's legs which correspond to the Passport number. Etihad, Qatar and Royal Jordanian Airlines permits Falcons to travel with the passenger in the same cabin. Each Airline has different regulations for flying with Falcons. Some airlines allow one falcon per person while others permit two falcons per seat or full cabin for Falcons. Each passenger has to pay $115 and more for each falcon. Falcons are allowed to travel to Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman. Many travelers travel across borders to participate in various competitions.  A bird can be sold as $1million dollar so in order to save the highly prized bird from smuggling; a passport is a must for falcons.

Travellers Experience  
Usually, air travel is for people traveling in a small space. It’s a strange to believe and see falcon enjoying the same privilege as the passenger in the flight. It might be scary and surprising to sit next to falcon. It’s interesting to watch the bird activities without falling into sleep. Usually, birds have hoods on so that they are not distracted and remain calm during the flight.

The UAE falcon registration scheme produces a certificate for the owners and keeper of the legally owned falcons to move internationally borders with the use of a passport. This help in saving the falcon population with utmost care. There are falcon hospitals and breeding centers at various locations to conserve Falcons.

Hope someday you get a chance to see and experience the plane ride with falcons.

Kindly share your thoughts below in the Comment Box.


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