Monday 20 February 2017

Press the buzzer when the Brain solve the puzzle

  1.  It’s the cause of problems but according to chemistry, it’s a solution. A great story starts with it. Lips enjoy the feel of it and the whole body becomes sexier, truthful and a better dancer. It brings people together. It kills but many are born because of it.Guess what is it?
  2. My curves attract most men, women, and children too. Please don’t use and throw me otherwise I can drop you on the ground. I am so famous that I have a tourist destination in my name. In a group, I am called as a bunch and gives the energy to punch. My yellow dress looks so appealing on me that everyone tries to peel me off.Guess what is it?
  3. Technology is getting smarter. One can’t live with it. Your hands fiddle with it at work but at night, you press and play a night. Size is around 6 inches long. Vibrations are its lively moments. Special people are only allowed to touch it. It’s not as smart as you but stays close to you to be your smart friend.Guess what is it?
  4. Everyone keeps it close and safe. It is said that Love is important but without it, it feels terrible. Putting a hero photo in a paper makes it demanding and everyone wants more of it.  It’s a homophone of Honey.Guess what is it?
  5. It gets longer when you pull and looks out for a hole to stay strong. It keeps you in your place as if it loves you a lot.  It hugs the body very tightly still it provides comfort when jerked. It can choke you if you misuse it.Guess what is it?
  6. It's soft and gentle in touch. It’s made out of rubber. Need it urgently to prevent your own mistakes. Available in various color and fragrance available in small packets. Please don’t have naughty thoughts as children use it daily.Guess what is it?

  1. Alcohol
  2. Banana
  3. Your smart Phone
  4. Money
  5. Seatbelt
  6. Eraser

You are a typical Indian if you have ......

Indian people have distinct and specific body type compared to other countries. There are certain and excellent features which are exclusive for Indians. Indians are the chosen one for the strange genetics characteristics.

Bizarre Body odor
Have anybody felt or been said that “You smell like a dead fish or like a chicken curry?
In a bus or in a railway station, body odor wonders the person with different odors. Usually, people tend to think “when did he/she take bath last time?” Deodorants and perfume are available still, it’s not adequate enough to control body odor in India. Its food habits and climate that makes Indian to smell different in different places.

Hair in Face, leg, hand, chest
Whether it’s genetically or environmental factors, Indian have a lot of hair here and there. Sudden party plans to go to swimming pool or wearing short dress or skirt is just too much tension.
These days’, young generations are usually shy to take off his shirt because of chest hair. Similarly, girls feel prettier when her eyebrows are threaded. Threading, waxing is a regular monthly task. Surprisingly there will be less hair on the head but proper hair growth everywhere else. Buttoned or Unbuttoned, body hair finds ways to squeeze out through the clothes. It’s an embarrassing and awkward moment. Smooth and soft skin last only for a week after a shaving or waxing.

Short height
The average Indians are short compared to the world population. Definitely, there is an increase in average height but not to a great extent. The average height of a man is 5.5ft while the female is 5ft.  There are European countries where the average height is 6ft for both man and woman. 

Varied figure
As soon as someone enters into India, one can see slim, fat, tall and short people around themselves. A 25-year woman after marriage will look like 35 years old. Indians have a tendency to look older than younger. A few will struggle to walk because they are overweight while there will be skinny people as well. Average waist size for men after 30 years old is 34inches and above while for women is 32 inches and above. Indians are very curious to keep an eye on other person activities. 
Size matters
India has billion population but doesn't know whom should the credit be given. As per BBC reports, India is one of the countries who have a tiny phallus. The phallus is worshiped in India where it's deeply symbolic. With no ifs and buts, it’s small but very productive and effective in India.

You must have noticed that Indian have big stomach paunch. Indian figure could be called as an apple or pear shaped body. Higher waist circumferences are common to see in India.  When there is an increase in body weight, the world population grows evenly, while stomach bulges out only for Indians.  Even policeman have big bellies. Many show off their fat belly as their sign of prosperity.

Indian complaints that probably they have the less favorable genetics compared to all other races in the world. No height, No Good skin, No great physic. Confront the genetics truth and recognize your strengths. Sustain your identity and face the world with whatever you have. Just accept the fact that “Relax, Nothing is in Control”

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Breathing Space after Marriage

Should there be counseling classes for Indian Mother and father in law?
Arranged and Love Marriages in India are going through a huge transformation. Extravaganza marriages, extended hours of rituals, unforgettable family affairs create memorable events for the newlywed couple. After all, the fancy and fun filled memories lie the real experience of a couple in groom’s house. The bride usually feels happy, spooky and apprehending to talk much with family relatives.

The role of mother and father in law is very important during the initial days of the marriage. A heartwarming conversation can make or break the new relationship. Parents should be ready to accept and realize the changes coming to their ways.  Parents should make a loving effort to welcome the new bride.

Small things bring a bigger change
 All parents who want good of their son should show some empathy towards the bride.  Parents could ask simple questions like if she is feeling ok at their home or if she had breakfast or lunch at the proper time, helping her in wearing a saree. These small things could be a beginning step for a healthy bonding and would make her feel comfortable. Many plan their honeymoon package because at home they can’t find privacy and a personal space for each other.  

Mentoring Required
We are moving toward a society where families prefer a working lady as a good match for their son. A working lady represents somebody who is self-reliant, independent and has a certain lifestyle. Parents should undergo a thought process change where they shouldn’t be forcing any ideas rather be ready to share thoughts with the couple and come to a conclusion.

Rethinking your thoughts
It’s important to understand that newly wed couples are staying together for the first time. So it’s essential for a newlywed couple to mutually understand each other for a better future. Parents could take a step back and should avoid interfering much in their life. Any small misunderstanding should not be a point of discussion with relatives or other siblings.

Who should be mentoring?

Generally, Parents share their thoughts to their elder and younger children. Sisters and brothers of a married man are the best person for counseling the parents. Siblings can play a major role in modifying the thoughts of parents. Try to show a change in attitude and ready to accept bride as their own family members. Someday groom’s own sister and brother will get marry so it’s important to be sincere and trustworthy. This will set an amazing example of relationship to follow.

Paint each moment of life as sea waves. Someday there will be high tides, just acknowledge the bad days. Enjoy the family gets together. Instead of gossiping, stay calm and patient. Be ready to accept whatever comes on the way. Everything is so beautiful when you stop looking at flaws.   

Monday 6 February 2017

Sasikala to be CM – Nothing happens by accident in Politics ....An Analysis of her journey till now

V.K Sasikala suddenly became viral in social media and News channels after Jayalalithaa’s death. There are bittersweet situations which are clearly showing Intense and fastest rise in power to become CM.

Sasikala hardly appeared in any political drama in Tamil Nadu. She was unheard in public. Finally, Party members chose Sashikala from undistinguished background to fit into Jayalalithaa shoes. There is a charismatic change in the political heir to lead AIADMK.


Sasikala husband is a Public Relation officer. Sasikala came in contact with Jayalalithaa when a party conference was arranged in Cuddalore 1982. Sasikala video graphed the event and similarly covered several other events and functions related to party promotion. She became popularly known as “Chinnamma”. As friendship started blooming, she became a close wall of support for Jayalalithaa. Many family members of Sasikala started to actively participate in the election propaganda. They became a major face benefitting AIADMK in driving community voting bank.

Media Attention
In 1991, When Jayalalithaa became Chief Minister. Sasikala started associating with party affairs and become a trusted aide of Jayalalithaa.  In 1995, Jayalalithaa arranged an extravaganza marriage for his adopted son VN Sudhakaran, who is actually Sasikala’s Nephew. Both Amma and Chinnama dressed like Twin sisters. The whole family started to have a good foothold in the government.

Shattered Relationship
In 1996, AIADMK lost in the assembly election. Jayalathilaa and Sasikala were sent to jail related to a scam. Later Jayalalithaa disowned VN Sudhakaran. Gradually there was a rift in Amma and Chinnamma relationship. In 2011 Jayalalithaa distance herself from Sasikala and her close relatives from AIADMK primary memberships, as they were planning a conspiracy against her life.
Later, both of the ladies patched up and started staying together in the Jayalalithaa’s Poes garden Residence. Sasikala stayed away from her relatives and her husband to be with Amma. She chose Jayalalithaa as her soul sister. She continued to make some space for her in Jayalalithaa’s heart.

Sudden Demise of Jayalalithaa
Sasikala accompanied Amma during the medical testing times. After Jayalalithaa was admitted in Apollo, Sasikala took the charge and also the decision maker. No one was allowed to see or talk to Amma. Finally, Jayalalithaa took her last breath after staying in the hospital for 73 days.  After she passed away, She stood next to her body till the last ritual. Sasikala was seen performing the last rites of late AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa.

Journey till now
Sasikala hasn’t held any office position in the party until Amma’s death. She was always in the shadow of powerful Amma. An image matters in Politics. Now, Party supporters have embraced her as Amma’s soul sister. Now, She is definitely showing a dominant presence and emerging as a key figure in the party. Unanimously party has elected Sasikala as General party secretary on 31 December 2016. Both, Sasikala and O. Panneerselvam belong to same dominant Thevar community. There is no enemy in the party for Sasikala. No one dares to go against Amma. After her absence, the party is assumed to be unified under the administration of Chinnamma (Sasikala). O. Panneerselvam has already submitted his resignation as CM of Tamilnadu and has already set the stage for V K Sasikala.
Questions to be wonder and ponder:
Was Jayalalithaa death planned?
Why didn’t Sasikala hold office during Jayalalithaa reins?
Sasikala never fought an election. Is she right for TN throne?
Can Sasikala be as charismatic as Jayalalithaa?
Will Political vacuum be ruled out by choosing Sasikala as CM?

Friday 3 February 2017

Falcon - Bird of Prey needs "Passport" to fly

If you boarding in any Middle East flight, don’t be scared to see Falcons traveling with you.  These birds are allowed to travel subject to security check same as you have.  

Falcon- Status Symbol
Falcon is a symbol of pride, a significant status symbol in the Middle East. Falcons have their own passport to travel in a plane. it’s very common in the Middle East to find someone sitting with a falcon. Hunting with falcon is a common pastime in UAE. The training period ranges for six weeks and costs depend on the breed. Some falcons are good at speed while others are known for hunting.
Falcon Passport
Falcon Passports are valid for 3 years. An identification Ring is tied in one of the Falcon's legs which correspond to the Passport number. Etihad, Qatar and Royal Jordanian Airlines permits Falcons to travel with the passenger in the same cabin. Each Airline has different regulations for flying with Falcons. Some airlines allow one falcon per person while others permit two falcons per seat or full cabin for Falcons. Each passenger has to pay $115 and more for each falcon. Falcons are allowed to travel to Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman. Many travelers travel across borders to participate in various competitions.  A bird can be sold as $1million dollar so in order to save the highly prized bird from smuggling; a passport is a must for falcons.

Travellers Experience  
Usually, air travel is for people traveling in a small space. It’s a strange to believe and see falcon enjoying the same privilege as the passenger in the flight. It might be scary and surprising to sit next to falcon. It’s interesting to watch the bird activities without falling into sleep. Usually, birds have hoods on so that they are not distracted and remain calm during the flight.

The UAE falcon registration scheme produces a certificate for the owners and keeper of the legally owned falcons to move internationally borders with the use of a passport. This help in saving the falcon population with utmost care. There are falcon hospitals and breeding centers at various locations to conserve Falcons.

Hope someday you get a chance to see and experience the plane ride with falcons.

Kindly share your thoughts below in the Comment Box.