Thursday 23 March 2017

Look Fabulous by knowing your body type - Apple or Pear Body

Subtle changes in your dressing style can bombard you with compliments and showcase your natural beauty. Dress what looks good on your body type instead of choosing the dress based on design or the pattern. Dress yourself to make yourself feel better and confident. Showcase your best features by developing a cohesive fashion sense.

Determine your body shape
Knowing your curves help you to select dresses that will look best on you. The majority of women body are broadly classified into Apple Body or Pear body type.

Apple Body – Upper body is heavy and has a wider shoulder. The bust is bulky and bigger than hips. However, they have comparatively slim legs. A hefty amount of fat is stored in the upper body possess higher health risks. So concentrate on reducing weight.

How to dress for Apple Shape body?

Show off your legs by wearing short pants or high heels. Avoid wearing tight jeans or heavy boat as it will make you look short.

Prefer soft fabric and straight to slight fitted so that cloth does not stick to your body and make it look heavier.

Prefer tops that end below your widest part to look slimmer

Prefer V-neck tops. Avoid any gathering near stomach otherwise, it will make you look broader and pregnant too.

Wear a top that covers the whole body and ends just below the thigh.  

Pear Body – Hips are larger than the bust. The arms are proportionately thin. Shoulders are narrow than Hips. There is a tendency to gain weights in the lower body parts and leg then later tummy is bloated.

How to Dress for Pear Shape body?

You need to add volume to your upper body so that shoulder looks broader.

Prefer Layering Tops or wide sleeves so that thighs look narrower and the whole body looks balanced and proportionate.

Wear jackets that are short so that it doesn’t make your hips look heavier
Prefer shoulder that gives a broader look like puffed shoulder
Prefer bold colors tops

Prefer skirts that fit near your waist and end just above Knee. Avoid tight fitting skirts or Short skirts as it makes the widest part more prevalent.
Look for Embellished a top which has Collar, beading that elongates from neck to Shoulders so that eyes are drawn toward upper body and away from the lower body.

Wear glittering earring, bold necklace, and scarfs as these forces the eye to focus on upper body and gives a fuller look. It helps in highlighting the upper body. 

Remember these tips when you go out for shopping next time.  Create an illusion and look slimmer by knowing how to dress according to your body shape.

Monday 20 March 2017

How American and British share a common language still they are different?

British people emphasize their kids on learning about geography, history, and literature while most American kids won't be able to find the USA on the world map. Two countries are divided by a common language. English and History makes people think that they are closely related, but there are a lot of cultural differences.

Do you know that Simon Cowell, the creator of American got Talent and X Factor is a British person? American Got Talent started first compared to Britain Got Talent though founder is of British nationality.

Indians have built roundabout following the path of British people. Roundabouts are common to see on British roads. American don’t understand roundabout.  Too many information on road direction chart confuses the American Drivers. Many American takes several roundabouts to reach the correct exit. Americans feel comfortable with red and green light. Red mean Stop and Green means Go. Less information comforts US drivers. It let them focus on driving without much thinking.

In America, the tip is must for all service right from restaurants to barber to a person who parks your vehicle.  In the UK, the tip is included in the bill, or people would just say keep the change. 

Communication with stranger
It’s common for American to approach strangers in an event or at any occasion. While in the UK, the conversation starts with a question about weather. This is a way to understand if stranger willing to continue the discussion. Don’t get offended if American asks a personal question. Usually, they are very curious to know thoughts and feelings. In contrast, people in the UK are more intrusive. American openly says facts on the face then UK people.

Most American kids and adults put much emphasis on sports. American takes their games seriously than in the UK. Many college football matches are hosted on TV. However, hardly any university level events in the UK are hosted on TV. UK people don’t talk much about sports unless they are sports fans.
Different terminologies used in US and Britain
If one needs to go the bathroom, then it is called as “Toilet” or “loo” in British. The British people call a garden as backyard while American calls it an Allotment. The British might often say I am going for a fag. Fag means cigarette. A famous dish known as Chicken tikka masala is actually discovered in Britain.  A cookie is an American version while Biscuit is the British English. Americans go for vacations while British go to Holidays.  The letter “Z” is read as “Zed” in Britain while “Zee” in America.

Many British people believe that American don’t speak English. They speak American.  As per many study reports, People with no religion has outnumbered Christianity in England

Famous American TV Shows are – Game of Thrones, How I met your Mother, The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Friends, Modern Family, Family Guy,
Famous British TV Shows are – Doctor Who, Sherlock, Mr. Bean, The Royle family, Midsomer Murders,


Sunday 19 March 2017

Are Hindu Gods subject to Logic?

Religion is a cultural system of various practices and beliefs. Many foreigners feel strange that Hindus follows many God. Hindus believe that God represents nature.

As per Monotheism, it is a belief that there is the existence of One God.  God is an absolute one, who created the entire world. God is an individual who is supreme and cause of all existence. Usually, Monolithic religions follow a holy Book. Many Foreigners have followed Monotheism for a long duration. So the concept of Polytheism looks unusual to them. Hinduism tries to find meaning from its nature. Many oldest religions depended on nature, weather, mountains and rivers to derive meaning. Gradually Hindus started depending on the nature based on their necessity such as worshipping Indra for rain, River Ganga for water. Hindus believe that Gods are not supreme in all qualities, but each God has a few predominant qualities. This is common in human beings as well. Each individual is excellent at certain qualities.

Hindus believe that every person is different. In any group of people, there is diversity in beliefs; A few individuals prefer worshiping Goddess Saraswati as learning is more meaningful for that person. Many find inspiration from nature. Goddess Laksmi represents prosperity; God Shiva represents austerity. Lord Hanuman express devotion.  Following own God helps to focus on the particular direction of choice.

Considering Christianity and Islam, they are many subdivided groups within their own religion. That’s because thinking and preference differ from people to people.

The ultimate goal of Hinduism is to attain Moksha. Hindu believes that following any God of own choice can lead them to the path of enlightenment and consequently Moksha. Each religion has a point of view. Every phenomenon is ruled by different God.  It depends on the individual – Whom to choose. Ultimately every God teaches the Peace, Brotherhood, Patience and Truth. But preaching style is different.

One should look at oneself and realize the heterogeneity population around us. Within one’s family, One prefers peace while other prefers to be content with knowledge.
If God means peace, warrior feeling is left out.   If God means devotion, Atheists are left out. No matter whatever is the choice, there is Hindu God which one can follow. Everyone belongs somewhere. If you move out of one’s comfort zone and if you find a new set of people with the same thought process. One feels connected. Similarly, One find once reflection in God image to associate themselves better.

Basically, there are many forms and acquires different name while performing various functions. Vishnu is known as Parshuram, Rama, Krishna and by many other names. It is similar to the different form of water. When water freezes, it is called as Ice, and it is called as rain when it falls on earth. One presumes many roles in a lifetime. A person is called by different names such as a girl child assumes the role of a daughter, sister, wife, aunt, and mother at a different phase of life. One gets to see the different perspective of the same individual. There are various forms of energies and purpose. The lives of every person have certain responsibilities along with routine duties followed by other people.
Hindus doesn’t think of all Gods at a time. Hindus choose variety Of God to recognize the energy and celebrate attributes in various forms. Hinduism appreciates and acknowledges the diversity. So that No one is left out.


Tuesday 7 March 2017

6 Quick Tips for strong and loving marriage bonding

Everybody marriage relationship is different from others. Someone might adore their relationship but others might be going through tough times. Each marriage has its own bumpy period. It’s important to sail smoothly during rough times and save your relationship before falling into a ditch.

Quick and Simple tips
Home should be a place where both wife and husband wish to come back to be in peace and relax. The fundamental rules are encouragement and affection between partners.

A glass of water matters:

After returning from office, generally, wife and husband will be exhausted, tired and sometimes frustrated too. Whoever reaches early from work could relax for a while and offer water and switch TV channel suiting to other person needs. Probably a hug and a welcome smile will give a warm affection. This will spark a loving relationship between you and your spouse.

Appreciate and Communicate:

Many of us are extrovert and Introvert. A few people speak too much while others speak less. Life gets busy and we often fail to recognize the efforts of our spouse toward our life. However, one should cultivate the habit of appreciation for a healthy relationship. Appreciation could be about small things like cooking food, paying any bill on time, taking care of family members or raising a kid at home. It creates satisfaction and happiness for a good relationship to become great.

 Eat Together:

Eating together as a family gives a feeling of belonging. It influences children behavior and builds positive memories. Conversation during meal time helps the family to connect, relate and share information.  It keeps the mood light and loving.

Watch TV together:

Watching TV can get couples closer to each other. Both the partner can combine their feeling of enjoyment by watching light-hearted serial, comedy or plot-driven dramas. It can inspire conversations and a quality time spending. One can comfort partner with a gentle head massage. It’s a perfect time to squeeze for cuddle time and take inspiration for sex life.

Stop Arguing:

The whole day, partners are away from each other because of work. A misunderstanding sometimes occurs though you are staying together. Two people will rarely have same expectations out of life. Arguing and talking loudly worse any relationship. If one is annoyed, take a big breath and wait for some time. Talk politely and in genuine interest to resolve the concern.  Express your needs respectfully and communicate what matters to you. Children have affected adversely if you are arguing in front of them.

No blame game:

Every decision taken is not always right. Take your own time to resolve conflict and accept differences. Stop the blame game as it hurt feelings. Blaming your spouse in angry, disappointment or stressed out is not a solution for marriage relationships to improve. Discuss and solve it at one go without bringing the topic again in future conversations.
·         Avoid trying a prove a point to “blame”
·         Don’t underestimate anyone and avoid showing “Flaws” in anyone
·         Don’t “threat” or give ultimatum

Calm down your thoughts. The next time when you feel that your partner is upset. Examine your own words without indulging in finding faults. Since all of us have flaws, we usually get defensive to avoid being insulted or humiliated. Sometimes it’s better to take a short break and trust the intimate relationship.  Strong relationships are built when you respect your partner’s opinion even when you disagree.

Must practice the below activities every day for wonderfully rewarding 
1.Smile broadly – Make everyone feel better around you
·     2.Wrap your loved partner in your arms- It's cheering and make you feel loved
·     3.Eat from one plate – Affectionate time with the family
·     4.Eat healthy food – Food can heal or hurt you

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